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Tocco da Casauria

The first recorded mention of a settlement at Tocco is in 872AD.

The name ‘Tocco’ is thought to to mean ‘village on the cliff’, derived from the town’s position in the foothills of the Maiella mountains, along a ridge overlooking the Pescara Valley. In 1862, ‘da Casauria’ was added to the name in recognition of the town’s proximity to the ancient Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria.




Points of interest in the town include the castle and the original 13th century church of Sant’ Eustachio and the 19th century birthplace of Francesco Paolo Michetti, Abruzzo’s foremost painter. Today the house is a museum preserving the artist’s major works.


Other notables born in Tocco include jurist Filomusi Guelfi, astronomer Annibale De Gasperis, poet Domenico Stromei and Mario Lanza’s mother.


Altitude: 338m
Distance from Pescara: 44 km
Population: 2,759 (M 1,344; F 1,415)
Phone Prefix (+39) 085
Istat Code 068042
Belfiore Code L186



Tocco Casauria links

Tocco da Casauria
Commune di Tocco da Casauria
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